Counting in Dog Years
Written by Betsy Franco
Candlewick Press, 11 October 2022
New York Public Library’s 2022 Best Children’s Books List
The Society of Illustrators New York Original Art Show (Jury Selection)
National Council of Teachers of English (USA)
- shortlist for Notable Children’s Books
“… That dash of cheek attitude is spot-on for the audience, and better they’ll never feel like they’re stuck staring at a dull textbook. That’s thanks, in part to Tey’s whimsical gouache scenes, a mix of everyday kids and unusual creature-contraption hybrids….”
- The Horn Book Magazine
A Book That Comes To Life
Through the Artivive App, chapter dividers within the book come to life through augmented reality activations
In-Between Things
Written by Priscilla Tey
Candlewick Press, 22 May 2018
Lamberth Publishing - Danish Edition, 2018
Ages 4-8
When you’re learning to draw from life, one of the first challenges is to see not only the object you want to represent but also the space around it, the negative space. Priscilla Tey invites children ages 4 to 8 to go one step further and observe what’s in between one thing and another in her lively inquisitive picture book “in-Between Things”. It’s not a book about drawing but about noticing: “Pick any two things to look in between. Look left and look right, there’s much to be seen!” Wonky, colourful mixed-media illustrations - in between painting and drawing, you might say - offer ample opportunity for children to identify colours, creatures and concepts in between on thing and another, including, of course, what they see between the front and back covers of “In-Between Things”. - Wall Street Journal
“ Her aesthetic is quirky, ingenious, and highly disciplined: she works in strong shapes and fittingly translucent colors, and imbues even inanimate objects with humor and character. In one standout vignette, she promises that a fort (made from a sheet and chairs in a child’s bedroom) “will separate you from the monsters at night.” The dog, snugly inside, basks in the glow of a flashlight, the cat peers in from the threshold, and in the darkest corner of the room, some googly-eyed goblins lurk (more goofy than scary), looking thwarted and a little sad. Without venturing beyond the cat and dog’s home and neighborhood, Tey shows readers there’s a world of in-between wonder right in front of them.”
- Publishers Weekly Starred Review
Twitchy Witchy Itch
Written by Priscilla Tey
Candlewick Press, 2021
A Hedwig Anuar Book Award Finalist
Ages 4-8